Become a Ready Now Location
Welcome to Ready Now! Are you interested in becoming a location that offers community support groups to those in need? Our program provides training, resources, and support to help you launch and maintain successful groups.
North American Locations
Military Specialization Locations
Where do we begin when it comes to talking about the impact Ready Now Recovery has had on our church and the entire community in Crawford County? To put it simply, the Ready Now Recovery Program has literally transformed our way of doing ministry. Because we had such great success teaching RNR in our church, we decided to expand and take it outside the walls. We went from offering the program inside the church, to offering it to the people in the community, to now taking it right into the Crawford County Detention Center.
We are seeing the lives of hopeless people, drug addicts, felons, and even violent offenders being changed right before our eyes! If it weren’t for the work of the Ready Now Recovery Program, we wouldn’t be seeing miraculous transformations taking place right in the jail cells! And, because we are having such a positive influence on the inmates, we are actually seeing a difference in the deputies and employees of the detention center. God has truly given us favor in this area of ministry. It just hits different when you take your sermon and preaching it behind bars. It has a much deeper sound when you take your worship leaders to sing to prisoners inside concrete walls.
Ready Now Recovery has opened our eyes to see ministry in a whole new light. Yes, we still have church where God meets us and lives are being changed and hearts are being healed. But RNR has caused us to look beyond our pews. We are a much different church today because of it.
I hope you will consider a partnership with the Ready Now Recovery program. If they have the same incredible impact on you that they have had on us, you’ll look different, too!
– Rev. Kenny & Tammy Hibbard