We're ready when you are.

Ready Now provides small faith-based community groups for anyone impacted by life-controlling issues.

“This program has helped me a lot. It changed me not only mentally but physically and emotionally. This class has gave me a huge different outlook on things.”


Are you ready for change but don’t know where to start?

"I still have a long way to go but I could not have stayed clean if it wasn’t for these groups, my facilitators, and mentors. I have built lasting relationships through these groups and found that I am not alone in this walk of life. These groups have helped me grow and learn all the while teaching me who I am in Christ and just how valuable I am."

Are you ready to equip your community with resources to address life-controlling issues?

Are you ready to be equipped to help friends and loved ones?

“Come, because everything is ready now. Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.”

Luke 14:17b, 23 (AMP)

Our Values


How long will it take? What if I fail? When will I be free? All of these questions are a part of the transformation process. Through a Biblical Perspective, a loving community, and relevant resources, our groups will guide you through that process of transformation.


Affordability, location, relevance, safety, and resources are essential to recovery.  We are committed to providing a diverse curriculum for affordability and relevance. We offer in-person and virtual groups to provide safer locations. We have resources for referral to professional care and residential programs.


Recovery is more than an individual journey. It takes a community — and it makes a community. It isn’t always easy, but we can always do it together. We are committed to training community leaders to establish in-person and virtual groups.


We all know there are individuals who are not ready, so what can we do to help them in the process of becoming ready? Partnering with other non-profits willing to serve, love, encourage, educate, and build relationships, fosters an organic invitation to attend groups.